Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sunday morning recovery

Recovery--in that I did 15.2 yesterday, and the last couple were with my left knee giving me cause for concern. I had told a bunch of my trail friends I'd be running with them on trailz at Turkey at 7:30 am, and hated to not make it. My plans were to A. Just show up, say hi, and go home. B. Walk some with the walkers. C. Run/walk, but not lead a group. I did C.My buddy Edward led the group, and took off on the easiest trail up the mountain. I walked over anything with rocks or uneven terrain. I was lagging pretty far behind, and eventually told everyone to go on. Mitch, who ran the 15 with me yesterday, was not feeling like speed work as her is needing 90+ miles by the end of the year to meet his mileage goals. It was nice to have company on my run.
We went left.
I picked our route, opting for easier routes. We ended up at the Westside Y. No trick photography here--except for the fact that one is right-side up and one is upside down.
The water was calm, the breeze non-existent.
Found this creature along the way on a newish mountain bike trail.
The hills have eyes--suffice to say it's Sunday afternoon now, and I am bored. The knee is sore--seems like sitting around is worse for it than running.

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