Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Sounds like a road trip is in order

Subterranean Tunnels, Underground Alien Bases
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United States Underground Cities, Bases and Tunnels Systems

MCALESTER - Just before the Korean war three men explored a cavern NE of MCalester, underneath a "haunted mound", near which strange manifestations, animal mutilations and missing livestock had been reported. The owner at the time had put crosses on the knoll in order to keep "evil spirits" away. The three man, once inside, made their way down into a large cavern and found a seemingly "bottomless shaft" around which spiraled a stone staircase with steps large enough to accommodate a 12 foot giant. They descended for about a mile, not reaching the bottom, and decided to go back up. After the first two had emerged they heard a scream from the third, and some shots from his .45 revolver. They helped him out and in terror he told of hairy animal-men who had suddenly snuck up from behind him, grabbing him and trying to pounce him down to the ground. As evidence he showed his friends the YELLOWISH BLOOD that his gun had extracted from the creatures. source: Charles Marcoux; Victor John C. Johnson

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