Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Tuesday Diversion

Instead of running in the Botanical Gardens last night, I ran on the river with Bobby and Tom. I feel bad as my good friend Stormy went out to the Botanical Gardens and ran all by his lonesome. I thought he was on our Facebook message loop and had read where everyone had other plans and such. He had a good run anyway though.

Tom, Bobby, and I made a pact to take it easy tonight.I thought this was gonna be another of Tom's fibs where he warms up at a reasonable pace, and runs like an Olympic sprinter the last couple of miles--but he was true to his word and we ran the our entire way at an easy pace.Isn't she lovely? (the sunset AND the girl!!) Dana chose to run her own route afraid she could have not kept up with us, but she would have had no problem with the AARP express.For a change, we ran west to Newblock park, and up the big hill on Gilcrease Museum Road, and came back on the Katy trail nearing downtown. It was a good night for sunset pics, even if they were taken with the oil refineries in the background.My scary tree. This one seems to be sneering at us, warning us to GO BACK! But on we went. Coming back on the Katy Trail which runs alongside HW 64 is a nice run--until you get to the end of the trail where it crosses under a maze of overpasses. This is homeless central with many unfortunate folks taking residence under these bridges. I ran through there a few years ago, and thought a couple of the residents were gonna stop me--asking (or demanding) money. I was afraid, for better or worse, and ran like a scared sissy. (Speedwork.) But tonight, we ducked into a neighborhood before we got to the overpasses. These neighborhoods ale some of Tulsa's oldest houses. They have character, no two looking alike. They are almost all in disrepair and I, having some remodelling knowledge, know they are not worth fixing up, what with faulty wiring, asbestos, lead paint and pipes, clay sewage lines, leaky windows, no insulation, walls with loose plaster, and no doubt mold, and termite damage. Still,these are interesting houses--they don't build houses with this kind of character any more. Maybe in a future post, I'll make a trip there during the day and take some pictures.Folks in this neighborhood frequently have watch dogs who double as guard dog. Some patrol the perimeter of their owners abode with a vengeance. Bobby and Tom were a little ahead of me when this fierce dog made the run at us. Bobby and Tom decided to do a little speedwork of their own, and they dog turned his attention to me. I doubted I could outrun him, so I quickly drew my camera and started taking his picture. This startled the dog, and he kept his distance. But when I turned to walk/run, he made another lunge at me. I ended up with a lot of pictures of him--the one above was the best of the bunch.

Next Tuesday, I'll be back at the Botanical Gardens.

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