Saturday, February 25, 2012

Post Oak Day One

Day One of the Post Oak Challenge is done. Today, the 50K, 25K, and 10K runners got their job done--and what a spectacular day they had. It was a bit nippy, as the Zombie and the Snowman aid station (renamed the Disco Aid station, but known to race officials as Aid Station Number 1 --I kind of like THAT name!!) carefully marked off all the coming and going trailz into and out of the aid station. There were 5 possible trailz from which one could leave our spot--not counting the road) and set up the regular aid station fare.Meanwhile, wave after wave of runners were let loose on the beautiful trailz in the Osage Hills. First, the 50K early starters, which gave us a trial run on how things were marked. It seemed like we did good. (above picture sneakily borrowed from Channing Wendt from his Facebook page.) (And now, I'll have to buy him a beer.)

We waited. The runners were to come across this field, fuel up, and return to another trail head and come back to us again.

Laying in wait were TWO WILD AND CRAZY GUYS!!!! Stormy and Edward were sleezed out in 70s garb--and pulled it off a little TOO convincingly.

Edward and Stormy would go out to meet the runners--acting like carhops at a Sonic hustling for tips.

Some of the runners would stop to chat for a while.

Some would breeze right on through.

I jumped in on the 70s theme--maybe the early 70s--as a dead-head hippie. Heidi, who was awesome as an aid station babe, fits the part of a hippie chick with a side of biker babe.

But what made our aid station ROCK, was the smell of BACON!!!!! Stormy wanted to have BACON for the runners, and we made bacon egg and cheese tacos. They were all consumed, but most runners were enthralled by the aroma more than anything. Bacon and disco--what a combination!!! And the 50K and 25K came through our aid station once, twice, and a third time!! I hear the whole camp was ablaze with the talk of BACON!!

Jeff and Amelia come through flanked by a couple of swinging Czechs.

Mr Ten Star notches another finish on his belt. Betcha he nabs another tomorrow!! Lyle recently achieved TEN STARS in Marathon Maniacs.

Eventually, after the 50K waves, the 25K wave, and the 10K wave came through--we got a bit of down time. Our other super volunteers Derek and Susan relax--but just for a short while. It got busy again.

KS of Know No Boundaries stops to chat for a bit while on his way to a double finish. 50K today, a marathon tomorrow.

This was a fun day for me--and for everyone!!For the runners, it was a day of pushing the limits and winning the bling!! (Thanks to Susan Westmoreland for the picture above and the one below.)

And for me, it was a day of being with friends.

Finally--a clip from DANCING WITH THE STARS!!!

It would seem that the Snowman is a bit camera shy!!!

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