Sunday, June 19, 2011


I have been in sort of a funk lately with my running. I'll have an occasional evening run where I feel strong and actually like I belong out there running, but most times, I feel like a slacker, slugging along at a worthless pace. I have been cutting long runs short, staying in bed on mornings when I promised myself I would get up early and run. The only time I am up early to run is Saturday and Sunday, when I am leading a group with the TOTs or helping with RW. Those mornings, I have a little motivation to get out the door, and therein lies a possible remedy to my stagnation. I need a race to put on my calendar to point towards. Right now, I just don't feel driven--like I'm "training" for something. Last year, I went to Kettle Moraine in June and Lean Horse in August. Both of those were DNFs, and while I was disappointed with the result, I was not super disappointed with my effort. This summer, my race schedule is non-existent. I have a 50K cut to 25K at Tail Twister and two shortened long runs (both were decent but abbreviated.) The Midnight Madness 50 Miler is a possibility if I decide to tackle it again.

I pulled up my Google calendar (turned into a race calendar) and counted 13 weeks until the Flat Rock 50K. HAH! Here is my goal race. This race is a big deal to me. It was my 1st ultra, and that year, I witnessed three ultra runners being knighted into the Flat Rock Hall of Pain. This honor is bestowed upon any runner completing 10 consecutive 50Ks on these rocky technical trailz along the Elk City Resevoir in Independence, KS. This September will be my 10th completion. My PR for the course is 7:53 in my first endeavor. I was a light and fit 155 pounder then, but I have gradually filled out and got older and slower. Last year, I barely finished due in part to a sprained ankle. I would love to nail the race this year, and PR for the course in my 10th attempt. Lofty goals, I know. But I NEED lofty goals. I also would like to finish with a few vapors left in the tank, as opposed to my usual post-race rigor-mortis, as pictured below.

Check out the video of the Flat Rock 50K. I looked closely but my presense in this film evidently is laying on the editing room floor.

As a side note, I would LOVE it if as many of my friends as possible would come to Flat Rock this year. The knighting ceremony is a hoot, something not to be missed. These are beautiful (but hard) trailz, and it is one of my top three favorite races. It is on the same day as the Warrior Dash, an event of which I am not really a fan. The same race entry spent on Flat Rock will yield many more hours of delightful trailz, great fellowship, and some of the best pre-race and post race food ever.

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