Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Lake Yahola

One of my favorite places for a short run is lake Yahola, aka Mohawk Lake. This man-made lake is a holding area for Tulsa's water supply--water is pumped from Spavinaw to here, and then treated, or so I am told.There is a sparsely maintained gravel-ish road around the lake, and runs the 3.2 mile circumference. It's pancake flat, a nice flat surface, a great place to view the sunrise, and I rarely run the lake and not see deer. The above pic was taken a year ago on a sunny albeit hazy day. Today, the weather was a bit nastier.

From time to time, the have to drain the lake to do some sort of maintenance. I have never seen the lake in the empty state, and stopped by to snap a few pix.Gray shades of sky over the remaining gray water and charcoal mud. Good place to bury some trail shoes....NOT! I am sure there is quick-mud, mud that would swallow a zombie in short order.This concrete structure is where the water is pumped back into the lake. I wondered what happens to all the fish. This is a hole frequented by peeps fishing for carp, buffalo, and drum. I suspect there are a few mud cats there as well. An old fisherman walking across one of the levees told me they are pumped into a creek on the north side of the lake, and many of the fish don't survive the passage.This is one of the levees that cross the lake. These are usually under 6-8 feet of water. I gave thought to running across to the north side to see/smell the dead fish. Would have possibly made a nice gross pic for the blog, but the drizzle had turned to rain, and I headed back to the car.

Here's my little lake on a perfect day. Just add blue sky and water.I'll be back when the lake is full.

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