Sunday, November 25, 2007

Patagonia Dreams

I know that in the USA there are endless mountains to climb, streams to wade, trails to run, lakes to sit by while watching a sun set or rise, but I have always been awed by Patagonia. Patagonia is a geographic region containing the southernmost portion of South America. Mostly located in Argentina and partly in Chile, it comprises the Andes mountains to the west and south, and plateau and low plains to the east. 

The name Patagonia comes from the word "patagon" used by Magellan to describe the native people who his expedition thought to be giants. Some of the most lifeless barren landscape on Earth is sandwiched between the towering craggy peaks. Many have described it as looking like landscape from Mars. It is a land as raw and unpolluted today as it was a million years ago. Water from these streams are more pure than the bottled water we buy at Quik Trip.
I know I will probably never be able to go there and I can have my hunger for exploring and stretching my limits met in the Rockies and Sierras, or closer to home in the Ozarks and Ouachitas.

But who knows? Maybe some day I will wake up tethered to the face of one of one of those daunting mountain faces, in a 14 ounce tent, in a -20 degree sleeping bag, longing for a nice hot soy latte. Unzipping the flap, I'm greeted by an icy wind that blows my breath back in my face, but peering upward I see that I'm only a few meters from the top~~~!!

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