Sunday, September 4, 2011

Pictureless Post

Not much of a read here--this is more of a log-entry thing. Saturday morning, I met my friends Pat and Sandra at Veteran's Park for our bi-weekly long run which was supposed to be a 24 miler. We did a one/one run/walk routine for 6 miles before I met the RunnersWorld group at 5:45. I then ran with a group which included Susan W and Susan C, and we hung out for 7 more miles +/-. After that, I ran with Laurie W for 3 miles and at the Turkey Mountain parking lot, I veered towards home--a nature call, and because it was starting to heat up, I wanted a second water bottle (and ice.) The rest of my run was alone, and each mile seemed to get better. I ran 95% of the remaining 8 miles and ended up with 24.1 for the day. Pat and Sandra opted out at 20, and we met afterward for breakfast at Village Inn.

Then, it was lawn mowing time, which involved changing out a bent blade on my riding mower. I probably inhaled a half of pound of dust in the process of hacking down my back yard. A shower and a late afternoon lunch at Tin Star with Dana was a nice reward.

Then at 8:00 PM, 5 friends (Kathy, Roman, Charlotte, Caroline, and Dennis) showed up at our house to run with Dana and I as we set out for another 24 mile run. The thought was it would be cooler as the evening set in and the local weathermen had been PROMISING a massive cool front and much cooler temps. Well, it eventually dropped to about 80°, and the humidity was high as well. Dana and Caroline abbreviated their run at 12 miles--Dana was just not having a good outing. (I have repeatedly told her not every run is a good one. Usually, 1 out of 4 of mine just SUCK.) The remaining five of us continued on, and our pace was good--by that, I mean that the pace we were going would be a GREAT 100 mile pace. That's the flavor of most of my long runs anymore. So, around 2-2:30, we made it back to our house, having run 24.4 miles. No better way to end a long run than breakfast. This time, it was IHOP.

Today, I an not really sore. I'd like to go out for a short jaunt on trailz, and may do just that a little later. Only one very small blister where I think my sock was bunched up a little on my middle toe of all places--not at all picture-worthy. I hope to get in a 30-40 mile bike ride on Monday with Dana. Next weekend, I have a 50K at Do-Wacka-Do, and then it's taper time before FlatRock and Arkansas Traveller.

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