Wednesday, May 6, 2009

TZ vs the back yard.

All the rain has made lawn mowing impossible. Couple that with a neighbor to the east who pays a group of hispanics to manicure her lawn bi-weekly, and then has the kahoonies to bitch about mine, glares at us when we drive by, and practices voodoo on these miniature zombie dolls, and I have began to feel guilty about the state of my back yard.A rain forest has a certain appeal, and who would ever think one would be possible on a plateau at the base of Turkey Mountain? This will no doubt be a haven for mosquitoes in just a few short weeks.I let my labs out into the big yard, and I could hear them rustling through the dense undergrowth, and after 3 hours of hearing them trample through, I realized they were lost, merely a few yards from the safety of their own section of the yard. Try as they may, they could not find their way back. After hearing them whimper, bark, and then howl, I took a machete and hacked my way through the wall of flora to rescue them.

No chance of mowing this mess at all. It had gotten way too tall, and was still way too wet. I envisioned a variety of dangerous snakes, and possibly sink holes and quick sand that would swallow a Sears riding mower. It was time for another plan of action.It pays to have connections, and with a phone call and a trip to the Arkansas side of Tulsa, as my friend Rock Star Ed so eloquently puts it, I was able to borrow the FT 4000, a portable flame thrower. My thoughts were at first to aim the thing at the sky to burn a hole through the blanket of clouds that have been choking the life out of me. But since fuel for this contraption cost more than I make in 2 weeks, I decided to focus the work on my back yard.I have to say I am more than satisfied with this investment. In 1 hour and 45 minutes, I leveled the rain forest that had claimed what was once my yard. In the process, I also eliminated the need to prune broken tree limbs leftover from the ice storms and wind the past two years. I even took care of some loose and flaking paint on one corner of my house, but decided I might find a rental tool a little more adept for that line of work. That's another project.

My neighbor looked out her door in amazement/horror, and came right over to the fence to voice her concerns. Forgetting I had wrapped duct tape around the trigger so I did not have to squeeze so hard, I turned around to acknowledge her presence. OMG, what an accident.Turns out this gadget has lots of uses. In a split second, it removed that nasty little shadow of a mustache she has been embarrassed about for all these years.

Happy mowing, everybody! :-)

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