Friday, August 8, 2008

3 quick things

Friday, August 8, 2008

Justa quick coupla things before I head out the door.

1. I finally reached a milestone in my running. I collected my 100th tick on the trails this morning. YAY!!!

2.Wednesday night is turning into quite a great night for trail running. There were 10 of us romping on the trails last Wednesday. Come out and join us!Pictures clockwise are Dee, Vicky, Mike who was in town from Kansas City and joined us for a run, Rob, Kirk who is Bob's brother-in-law, and then Bee Sting Bob himself, Dustin, Me, Andy, and Cool-Shades Aaron.

3. Speaking of bee stings, the snake trail is still being terrorized by these aggressive hornets. I am fairly certain it is not the red hornets pictured previously in my blog. Dana was stung this morning again although we tip-toed very quietly through this section. Wednesday night, several of the runners were dive-bombed. I manged to capture one of the meanies and was gonna take his butt home to see if I could find his likeness on the internet. 
I did not have my camera with me this morning. I had hold of him by the wings, and I thought he was dead. But a few minutes later, he started growling-humming-buzzing or whatever it is they do, and I looked and his stinger was going wild trying to nail me on the fingers. I of course let him go and ran like a deer down the trail!

I googled and googled and could not find any pics that looked like this hornet. This is the closest I could find. It is not a yellow jacket at all. These hornets are black but not shiny black. It has a yellow-orange wide stripe on his stinger. They are actually pretty small....maybe 3/4 inch in total length. They are quick and very direct in their attack. I am gonna take some paint or signs or something to mark the area where they are, and still try to find their nest to destroy it. More details later.

More googling: It is a Mason Hornet. They may have yellow striping, or red, or orange. Ours has a burnt orange stripe....must be from Texas. Hmmph!

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