Monday night was the TATUR Christmas party. Comes around every year....and is always a treat! It's a time to eat, drink, be merry. A time to reflect on what all we've done, to rehash race reports, have more pie and brownies, give a few awards, and eat. We present six Silver Spud awards each year meriting various feats of endurance among our runner-friends. Also, TATUR presents a couple of charities a check from monies raised from races. The Turkey and Taturs 50K,25K,10K raised $2,907 for the Westside YMCA which will help many kids attend summer camp at this wonderful urban wilderness facility.

Another race that TATUR put on, The Mud Run, raised over $5,600 for the Oklahoma Firefighters Burn Camp to benefit children who have received disfiguring injuries in a fire. I was proud of our club for these two awesome donations!!
The coveted Silver Spuds were awarded to some very worthy trail runners.

Rookie of the Year went to Janeen Lovelace, who recently dived into the trail scene, and now eats 50Ks for breakfast. She did the Leadville Marathon (a tough race at an insane altitude), FlatRock 50K (the hardest 50K in this part of the USA), Turkey and TATURS 50K (some people think this is harder than FlatRock), Route 66...a total of 3 marathons and 3 tough 50Ks in the past year.
Overachiever of the Year, a newish category that replaced the hustler of the year award, was presented to Lisa Kedzuf-McGinnis. Lisa has ran and aced everything she has attempted this past year. I talked her and Jason into running a double marathon back in April. Then, to get 5 stars in the Marathon maniacs, I talked them into doing a double marathon in New Mexico and Colorado, and then Turkey and TATURs the next weekend. Again, she exceeded my expectations. I had told her in NM she might wanna take the early start, and she in turn kicked my butt beating me by 38 minutes. Agian, I was wondering if she'd finish T&T 50K the next week and despite me taking a 2 hour early start, she finished only 10 minutes behind me. Do the math. Then, she tackled a 50 miler at Heartland and made it look easy.
The Most Beat Up Feet award went to Earl Blewett.

Earl sports a pretty nice belt buckle here. He started ramping up his mileage this past summer, doing T&T, FlatRock, and then the Heartland 50. Earl then went to Missouri and ran the 1st running of the Ozark 100, a race that I really want to do in the near future. This race, from everyone I have talked to, is quite hard, what with roots, rocks, and lots of loose leaves covering them. Congratulations, Earl!

Best Performance in a Race went to Jason McGinnis. Jason was right there with Lisa in their quest to light up the ultra world. Jason was thinking about doing the 50 at Heartland, but I talked him into doing the 100. I told him he would be through, and then out all night anyway crewing me, so why not just RUN? Well, at times I know he had his doubts, but I always knew he would ace the test, and he did. Running your 1st 100 miler and almost breaking 24 hours is pretty amazing. Turns out later, he coined his trail name: TRAILZILLA!! A fitting name, me thinks.

Most Inspirational Tatur went to Randy Ellis. Randy cranks out 100 milers routinely. Oh, I am sure he would dispute this, and hey....a 100 is never easy. But Randy probably has more 100 mile finishes than anyone in the state. I would love to see the 100 mile rankings among Oklahomans. If he is not on the throne, I'd like to know who is. Randy is also one of the kindest, most encouraging people I have ever met. Plus, he wrote an awesome book that is a MUST READ among ultra runners: RUNNING WITH PAYNE. This book documents Randy's run across the United States a few years ago. Randy was a lot of encouragement to Jason and Lisa as they were contemplating their goals.

Tatur of the Year went to Arnold Begay. Arnold is no stranger to 100 milers, but this past year, he did not actually do a 100. He did Badwater, the HOTTEST race in the USA, a 135 mile footrace on pavement across Death Valley starting at the lowest point in the continent to the Mt Whitney portal, the highest mountain in the lower 48 states. 135 miles, in 58 hours! Filling out is year was the Athens/Big Fork Marathon (the hardest marathon in the WORLD), the Dan Man, AOK 50K, OKC Marathon, T&T 50K, and McNaughton Park, where he signed up to do a 150 miler and made it 80 miles in absolutely miserable rainy conditions. But his accomplishments at Badwater was what earned him the Silver Spud. That, and this pic of his foot after the race.
One thing I wish we had done a better job of was recognizing other runners accomplishments. It'd be great if we could give Silver Spuds to 15 or 20 people, but that might mean many little kids would not get a Mr. Potato Head in their stockings for Christmas. We did give props to the Chicklettes, Sandra, Susan, and Christin, who helped crew us at several races and also several all night training runs. I am so glad they LIKE doing this. Running all night and knowing every 2-3 miles we'll have some friendly faces with cold water, Gatorade, and snacks is just awesome. makes training all the better.

And the Crew Babe Princess again was own Dana!!

I'd like to recognize some other TATURs that accomplished some amazing feats this year. Roman, who is well known for showing up on marathon day and getting the job done on little training, actually trained some this year and ran his first 50 miler at Heartland. Roman also had quite a list of marathons and 50Ks, and rumor has it he is thinking seriously about doing the Lean Horse Hundred this next August.

Kim had a busy year. Beside getting married, she ran Route 66, and back in Late February, ran a 50K on a Saturday in Ft Worth. Then the NEXT DAY, ran a 50K in Atoka at the AOK Trail run.... something I have never done. I ran the AOK run with her, and she ran strong. I have heard she is thinking about longer distances in the future.

Susan Alexander has ran 8 races of marathon distance or more this year.

I do not know the exact total, but I do know Caroline has ran 4 marathons in the past 6 weeks.

Last years winner of the Most Inspirational TATUR, Bobby, has put together a great year.
Bobby is a Marathon Maniac, and has 6 marathons in the past 12 months.
Bobby has turned from student to teacher, and is in his second session as a running group leader.
Now, if we can get him to do a 50 miler?!?!?

Bobby, Ken aka K2, and Dana listen attentively as Brian rambles on. K2 ran farther than he ever had in his effort at heartland, covering 69 miles before being pulled. He'll be back though to give it another go, I am sure of it.
I am sure there are many other great stories that could be told, and I have most likely forgot someone who had a breakthrough year.

Merry Christmas to all, and happy running in 2010!!