Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Misc stuff

I'll never be a professional photographer. (There has to be someone reading this who is very accomplished in the art of photocapturing who just spewed his coffee through his nose!!) Yup, TZ is a novice. But I want to be better. I am at the point where I can recognise good clarity, too much light, fuzzy leaves, and many more technical terms.
The sunset was taken with my 3G iPhone, on the standard camera that comes with the phone, through my windshield, while driving. (I didn't text!!) Despite my haphazardness, God did all the work on this one.
No good reason for this pic. I took it accidentally with my phone with no flash, and the light source was a shaded lamp in the living room behind me. The only editing was in cropping.

This picture was cropped and tweaked.

It was actually a bad picture, and I jacked with the contrast and saturation until I liked it.

A couple of bottles of wine that have set in a wine rack for a couple of years. Aging is a good thing, right?
More playing with the basic photo-editing on the computer.
Finally, Miss Sassy takes nap number 8 or 9. She was snoring, and maybe dreaming of mice??

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