Saturday, November 21, 2009

Instead of tapering....

It's the day before the Rt 66 Marathon. I have been a good runner this week, and have tapered. But the day was so nice today, and I was getting a little grumpy not being able to run, so I fell off the wagon and headed out the door for a few very easy miles on the trails. Dana was happy to go, and we took it easy. Took the camera along as always....and got a picture of us at the Oklahoma rock.It's so cool to have a natural rock shaped exactly like our state out on the trails. This got me to looking for other rocks shaped like states. Hmmm....It's unmistakable! Right here on Turkey Mountain was an exact replica of Arkansas!!

There are some New England states as well. Anyone could see this was Vermont!And with a bit more searching, I found the state of the New Hampshire.Hey, I was on a roll!! I hardly got to run another 100 yards, when I found none other than my favorite vacation spot, and home of my blogger friends Steve and Kathleen....COLORADO!!!Will miracles ever cease??? What an amazing find!!! Now this rock seems to portray the rocky mountain state as being a little flat, but I found an elevation profile right across the trail which shows some of the peaks (maybe Pikes Peak???)Sad to say, I did not see any more states until my run was almost at an end. But the final find was truly astonishing. Who in a million years would have ever imagined there would be an exact replica of Hawaii right here on the trails of Turkey Mountain? This was truly a sensational find!ALOHA!!

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