Great news!!!
The past week has been full of angst and dismay due to the Simon Properties Outlet Mall muscling it's way into our playground. Just add a slab of concrete over the area within the red rectangle. (sigh) I have been a Google-freak, reading any and every news clip I could find about this upcoming travesty, and today I was reading in a forum on the Tulsa Now Website . There were 7 pages in the thread and it degraded to a pissing match between two different intellectuals. But on the last page on the last post, I read the BEST NEWS IN SEVERAL DAYS!!!!
If you are sick about the proposed development on Turkey Mountain--this is a blast of encouragement. Due to the controversy on what land was "River Parks" and what was not, a edited map was published that just torques me every time I look at it.
Oh come on--is this real??? To the casual non-runner/non-biker/non-trail-user who would just love a big ol' outlet mall, it would seem that there was a HUGE buffer between the mall and the actual park area. Plus, it would seem that all the gray area, being privately owned land, might be open for future development. (I knew that this was highly unlikely.) The intent of GKFF was made apparent by today's press release.Click on the link and read it--but here's the first couple of lines:
"The George Kaiser Family Foundation has no plans to develop the 139 acres of land it owns on Turkey Mountain, a foundation official said Wednesday.
In fact, maintaining the mountain's natural beauty was why the foundation purchased the land in the first place."
So, the City of Tulsa/River Parks gets to re-redo their map. It'll look something like this.
Thank you, George Kaiser Family Foundation. honored, humbled, and thankful. Now, if we can just win one more battle.
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