Saturday, December 4, 2010

Get that trash outa here!

If you have read this blog for very long, you have heard me rant about littering and especially trash DUMPING on my mountain! An area on the west side of the urban wilderness area is a favorite for low-life people to dump the crap they are to cheap to take to the city dump.Just imagine the trails where you are at one with nature running or biking, and then you have to look at this.

But the Turkey Mountain Urban Wildreness group organized a clean-up day and it was a whole army of Jim Dandies to the rescue!I failed to count heads but I think there were 30-40 people of like minds out on this cold sub-freezing morning to clean this mess up.
A lot of the dumping here is old tree limbs and brush--biodegradable stuff that is still a bit of an eyesore, but is a little more tolerable in my opinion. That is not to say that it is ok to dump in here though.
In most cases though, the piles of limbs were mixed in with filthy trash and debris, and had to be sorted through by hand and bagged to be toted out.
Fair to say over a hundred big trash bags were filled with household trash.
Not to mention enough old plywood to build a small barn--and a mattress.
Few things are as nasty as old carpet pad. It's sponge-like properties make it wet, heavy, and considering trashy people dumped it, it's probably was urine and vomit soaked. YUK!!
I worked for an hour sifting through a pile of old shingles that were crumbling and were near the point of turning to powder. There were chunks of shingle, old cedar shakes, tar paper, and a lot of roofing nails. Someone saved a $25.00 dump fee by trashing our playground. I'd love to know who it was so we could return their trash right to their front yard.
River Parks was awesome, providing a big flatbed truck and they hauled 5-6 loads FULL of gargage and took it to the landfill. Jason, Lisa, and I walked alongside 61st Street and loaded 4 huge sacks of garbage--pop cans, lots of beer cans, McDonalds trash, KFC cups, and over 40 20 ounce cans of Hurricane Malt Liquor. Never heard of it, but I bet if one visited a local liquor store and asked who bought massive quantities of the brew, most likely he/she is our dumper.
More gross stuff? You betcha! A Pepsi bottle, and I'm betting a ten-spot it's not Pepsi Cola inside. I was wearing gloves, and I did scrub the heck outa my hands after leaving.
I had heard rumors of there being a meth lab up on the mountain somewhere. Three times while out picking up trash, I heard someone say they found one--a "shake-and-bake" lab. This it usually a 2-liter bottle with residue of Drano, lye, anti-freeze, and whatever else they put in this stuff to make meth. These moblie labs cook within the bottle due to the chemical reaction of the ingredients, and the meth-heads can whip up a batch on the go. Since these folks probably don't believe in recycling, they dump their cookware with the rest of their garbage. While policing the roadside, I picked up a 2-liter Dr Pepper bottle, and discovered it was a cooker with some leftovers. Oh goody!
This stuff is so corrosive, it ate through the plastic bottle. Imagine what is does when injected into your veins?
We amassed a mountain of trash, and this pile was after a couple of truckloads were already removed. We barricaded this dirt road with several huge logs and brush, and reinstalled a cable across the road. I think some NO DUMPING signs might help (assuming the people who dum here are literate.) To all who came out and helped: Thank you thank you thank you.

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