Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Tuesday Night Crawler Action

The Tuesday Night Crawlers roamed the trailz at Mohawk Park tonight, but started at a different location. This time, we met near the gate to the Oxley Nature Center, and found more trailz than I remembered being there!! BONUS!!We started with a few minutes of light from the west. Deer were everywhere!!
I was just not quick enough with the camera to catch them. Honest, three huge whitetails crossed the clearing and disappeared into the woods here.
Cassy, Wes, Michelle, and Channing joined me as we headed out for an undetermined amount of miles. Stormy had called to say he was stuck in traffic, so I told him our route and of course he caught us.
Being the trespassing sort that we are, we had to go around this fence to see just where that little trail went. See creek in the distance? Yup, after 50 feet, the trail led right over the edge of a huge drop-off into the muddy waters of Bird Creek. So we went back and obeyed the sign.
We then followed a half mile of winding single track and ended up near the Oxley Building. From there, we follower a trail/aged asphalt road to Lake Sherry. I was surprised to see this lake level up as high as it was. I have ran here during rainier periods when it was nearly dry. The trail runs the northern shore of the lake, and it's a cool place for a run.
We briefly stopped to consider whether to turn back on a wooden bridge, or continue east. Going to the end of the lake and then back meant more miles--a good thing.
We followed this abandoned road back toward the nature center as the daylight was fading.
From the Nature Center, we headed south and found a maze of super nice trailz, turning here and there with no rhyme or reason. Most had names though. We liked Bob's trail. Let him know, if you know him. All the trailz were pancake flat, and seemed to run atop a levee between numerous swampy areas. Good mosquito land, I'd say.
After doing a Stormy route (left, left, right left, right,left,weren't we just here 30 minutes ago?) we crossed this wooden walkway. A mis-step to the left would not be good. My iPhone is not good with night pix. Jacking around with my photo-editing could not really turn it into an artsy look either, but here it is anyway.
Night running is awesome. Mohawk is the best place for it, since there are few things to trip on. (I did kick a stump, but did not bite the dirt.) You never know what you'll encounter--eyes in the woods, sounds of Big Foot?Or lots of deer.

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