Friday, November 2, 2007

Tomorrow I will run with friends doing the "Mock" Route 66 Marathon trraining run. We will start and finish where the marathon starts and finishes when it takes place in two weeks. Instead of running the whole 26 miles 385 yards, we will only run about 20 miles. Then, someone says we're supposed to taper? How does a 15.5 mile run the next day fit into a taper? hmmm....
I hope Mike and Diana show up to run some. Last Year, I ran with Diana on her first marathon. I was her cheerleader/drill sergeant, although she didn't need the drill sergeant help In fact, she put the hurt on me at the mid point and just about ran me into the ground! We had so much fun with the signs encouraging everyone to clap for her. It was the most fun I ever had in a race!

I know Mike will run with me on Sunday when we run the 25K trail on Turkey Mountain. It seems only fitting that the esteemed RACE DIRECTORS of the Turkey and Taturs 50K run the own race they created. The masochistic Mike Snyder has taken a lot of flack, and rightly so for designing such a hard and rocky course for the brave souls who toed the line in this great Tulsa trail race. Maybe his extreme pain and suffering, along with Head Tatur Brian's will be a payback of sorts!!

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