Ahh, Thanksgiving Day. A day to be with family and friends, give thanks for our blessings, eat, drink, eat, be merry, and eat.To make a feeble effort to stay on my diet and not gain 10 pounds by day's end, I ran early, hitting Turkey Mountain at 7:00 to meet Larry, a trail runner from Austin, TX who was in the area for the weekend to be with some relatives here. He, like me, wanted to get a few miles in early.
Brian, Grim Reaper, Larry, and I headed out for 4 miles +/-, and I worked up quite a sweat. I quickly shed my warm winter clothes as I was really heating up trying to keep up with these rabbits!! Take special note of the efforts of watching my weight. More running and less beer and I might get back into fast running shape by this spring!!! Later, Brian and I met Kathy, Dan, Johnnie, and a host of other TATURs and other runners at the river for the Von Franken run, which is a fun-jog around Zink lake between 31st and 11th street on the paved bike trails. I ran it at a fairly brisk pace, for me at least. My total mileage for the day was 9 miles give or take a few steps. YAY, now I have room for seconds at lunch!!
I came home and threw together a lemon meringue pie for later, and then went up to Skiatook for dinner with my folks.
I admit I did eat a couple extra nibbles of Dana's yummy scrumptious pecan pie, but all in all, since I skipped breakfast, I was ok.
Then I went to a dinner with Brian and Kathy and her brother and wife, and her daughter and fiance. More great turkey and dressing, potatoes, a couple casseroles, more pecan pie, and my lemon pie.
I ate sparingly, but two "sparingly" helpings of everything equals too much. My goosh, I feel bloated.
Above, I posted my morning picture. Below is a late afternoon picture. Six weeks of dieting are now down the drain!!!
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