But have no fear--some low-life A$$h0L3s have replenished the litter on our playground. The treelimbs are a lesser sin, but an old car bumper--really? Could they have not hauled this to the scrap metal yard and got a few bucks for it?
Turkey mountain--right by the NO DUMPING sign--a good place to throw off your nasty carpet and whatever other trash you have in your truck.
Got an old TV you don't want--bring it right on by and throw it in our paradise.
And don't forget to leave your bottle of pee.
To my friends--be on the lookout. If you see someone dumping--make a mental note of the car/truck. Get a tag# or take a picture--if you can do so discreetly. I do think that confronting someone dumping their crap illegally like that would likely NOT be a person with whom you'd like to have a confrontation. I'd blunder right into it and probably get stabbed. If you get a tag#, report it to the police. Give the info to me and I'll make a nuisance of myself to the authorities.
And finally--it's time to dust off the old "tickometer". The 2014 count stands at ONE so far.
A few of our fellow citizens are total pigs.