Last night, I was late for the RunnersWorld training run at 5:30, so I decided to head them off at the pass, so to speak. I parked at 41st which is about a mile into the run, and caught up with my friends. Just about the time I started running, I got a call from Roger, an old friend from way back. Seems he wanted to run with me, and I, always being one to grab a chance for a few more miles, jumped on the offer. I ran back to Runners World, abbreviating my run by a mile or so to meet him.I had ran with Roger about 3 years ago, before he lost 50 lbs or so. At that time, we ran at LaFortune, and I urged him to take it slow, but still, I think I pushed him a little too hard, and he only did 2 miles as I recall.
Since then, he has been hitting the gym, slaving on the treadmill, and running 4 miles at a time at a torrid pace. Pay-back was his this night. He had asked me how fast I usually ran, and I was thinking I would still be a little faster than he wanted to run, and I assured him I actually usually go slow. BUT, he was asking because he wanted to run some 7 minute miles. YIKES! We started out from the store at a super quick pace. I held on, but he slipped ahead, and after a mile, I was about a minute behind. We ran 3 miles, and I was whupped good by the end of my run. I drove on back to the store, while he ran the final mile there, all grins! I told him I was amazed at how much he has improved. I believe he could break 20 minutes in a 5K and I encouraged him to give it a try.
Later, Dana and I picked a good friend up at the airport, who flew home to surprise his wife with a weekend visit. Mike had called Diana on the way to his house, and acted as if he was calling from the east coast and pretended his cell phone was running out of juice, but not before telling her that he was having Dana and I deliver a package to their house.
(At 11:30 pm??) We knocked on her door and told her to come out to the driveway to bring the package in. Of course the package was Mike.This guy is good, huh. He even had a dozen roses to go with his little joke. It's great to have him back for the weekend. We love you, Mike
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