Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tuesday Night at the Botanicals

Tuesday Night, the Night Crawlers migrated north to soil near the Botanical Gardens. Eight of us--Nine, including Stormy who met up with us around 6:15, got in mileage ranging from 4.2 to 6.2.  Cloudy skies did not dampen our weekly outing--actually, it was great running weather.
Mitch, Wes, and I started a little early and got in almost 2 miles before meeting the rest of the gang at 5:30.
Michelle, Laurie, Troy, and Kathy joined us and we decided to take an alternate route. We did stick to gravel roads, and as always, did an out-and-back. I had mentioned on Facebook that everyone needed to bring a headlamp or flashlight. Everyone did--except for me. As the sun set, the lights came out.
A slight variation from our usual route involved a little hill work.
Wes is on top of the world. My video taken here was less than desirable, since my heavy breathing was recorded and it sounded like a heavy petting scene.
With a bit of photo-editing, I was able to salvage a couple of pics. 6.2 miles agreed with me and my knee--I am well on the road to better.

We'll do Botanical Gardens for another two or three weeks. Come join us!

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