Today, I had time for a short run up at Turkey before I ran with the group at the river. It was Ginger's turn since I had run with Rocky last. Jake is just barely a year old and
I have not ran with him on the trails yet. I went to the fence to the back yard with leash in hand, and who could deny these longing eyes?I decided to take them all with me!Ginger pulls with the power of a plow mule, and does not settle down to a light pull until she reaches the trails. Rocky has to mark every tree, mail box, and patch of weeds for the 1st half mile or so. Jake was just along for the ride, neither pulling too hard, or getting his leash tangled. He was better than I had expected. I headed up Lip Buster hill with all of them still leashed, and they ran me up the hill so fast I had to put on my breaks with every step. I even fell at one point. I have never had to worry about being too fast running up THAT hill before! Rocky and Ginger knew where the 1st pond was and wasted no time getting there. This was Jake's 1st time getting
to actually swim in a pond, but he waded in, and actually swam a few strokes, got a drink, and was done. No problem there.
At this time, I decided that I would let Rocky and Ginger run off-leash. Jake wanted to run with the big dogs (although he is actually taller than Mom or Dad) and I decided I would let him. Rocky and Ginger always stay close by, but Jake wanted to explore the whole mountain and away he went. Rocky stayed right with him, but Ginger came back several times to check on me. I had intended to run the snake trail, just an easy 3 miles, hit the big pond over there and then head home, but the dogs headed right down the powerline trail.
Right now, that trail is really tore up, what with all the Slashosaurus damage and the loose rocks from them grating. I had trouble making any time at all, but Ginger kept running ahead to the boys, and then running back to me. Luckily, and I hate to say I am thankful for these huge tree crushing machines, but one of these huge tired tree slashers was ambling right back towards me on the trail, smashing the natural tall grass and trees on its way, and it also shooed my dogs right back to me. I leashed Jake, and we finished our run. Rocky and Ginger stayed close, and Jake was tired enough that he ran like a laid back trail-dog.
After a couple more swims, I took the dogs home, showered to wash off the chiggers and mud, and went to run with my road running friends at the river.
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