Sunday, June 5, 2022

After almost 3 1/2 years, I have decided to revive my blog. This started out as a way for me to vent aggravations, movie reviews, and pondering. Then I started running and it became 85% running, hiking, and race reports. My last few posts back in 2018 described my decaying abilities due to a nagging knee energy.  I still get out a but very infrequently and if it weren’t for my dogs Zeke and Roxie who expect a walk/hike/shuffle adventure including lots of stuff to smell and pee on.

My last serious endeavors at running 100 miles was a at Cloudsplitter where I switched distances mid-race dropping from the 100 mile to the 100K; and at Tunnel Hill where the severe cold weather a gradual slowing in pace made dropping at 50 miles my most sensible option. I decided to give up on running 100-anything and hoping for a worn out right knee would somehow get better. 

I have ran shorter distances—halfs, 25Ks, 10Ks, 5ks, but fewer than. 2 or 32 races a year, and fewer than  300 miles a year including walks ands dog walks. It seemed like there was no sense in blogging about going for a walk. 

I am tired of being sad, feeling sorry for myself, and having my own private pity party (ppp.) I am as of now gonna try to get back in rather game. I’ll post my meager accomplishments as unimpressive as they may seem. Maybe I’ll find a slight uptick in my times. And maybe I’ll make these posts public. I lost my domain to my blog, and may see if I can find a blog platform I like better. Blogspot/Blogger are so glitchy. But for now, hopefully I can  use this new domain.