It was the last run before Halloween, and our normal Thursday night to run. It was decided we should have a costume party....why not? We did last year and it was fun....we ate a bunch of bad snack food and had a good time. I gave very little thought to what to wear, and at the last minute visited the Salvation Army store across the street from RunnersWorld and bought a dowdy dress and a bonnet that was supposed to make me look like an Amish girl (or grandmother!) I was a little early getting to RW, and while adjusting my bonnet, I looked up to see myself looking at me?!?!Sandra had whiskers, and mine...and shorts like mine....and a Snake Run shirt like mine!! WHAT???? You are dressed like ME!!! Oh, she had the details down. Had the water bottle, had the camera in hand....even has a watch on the left hand and a Garmin on the right. Funny stuff. Flattering even.
It gets better! Roman walked around the corner in the same garb. Amazing!! I did not have my was out in the car while I was putting on a large dress that needed to be a little larger to fit me....but I made a quick dash out to fetch it. It was on the way out that the zombies came out of the woodwork....Trail Zombies, that is.Roman was looking super-cool as a zombie runner.
Nope, this is not me. It's another impostor! Whereas Sandra had the quirky props, Tom had the look. Maybe a little too much gray in the hair, Tom....but you were very handsome.
Jason has the look perfected. Maybe just a little heavy on the gray/white stuff, but he has the physique down, and even the slight head tilted to one side. I have that copyrighted, ya know. This is just too weird!!!
Susan Alexander does a great impersonation. I especially like the skulls on the do-rag.
Bobby, always thinking "outside the box", decided to come dressed as my car. Notice the front of my Prius on his shirt. The back of his shirt has (you guessed it) the back of my car, as well as my MARATHON HO sticker on it. Funny stuff, Bobby!!
Caroline wears my favorite race shirt, the shirt from the 1st Six Hour Long Snake Run. It's a cotton T, and is a little hot to wear on most runs, but I love the design.
More impostors.I LOVE IT!!! How did you all pull this off??
Susan looks so much like me she could BE ME!! (Susan, the shovel I used to kill that copperhead had a much longer handle!)
Meanwhile, on the other side of the world in Egypt of all places, an outbreak of "TrailZombie fever" cropped up.Nothing short of terrifying!
All together, there were 14 people dressed up as me, and I looked NOTHING like me!!! Lisa really looked the part. Teresa also could have passed for me even in a brightly lit room. I thought I had Brian take a pic of all the TZs in front of the store, but it was not on my camera. I'll post it if he sends me a copy of what he took. Favorites? It's hard to say. Tom was mistaken for me. Sandra had all the props. Jason had the mannerisms. Gosh, I loved em all.
Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, or so I was told. I am blessed to have such awesome friends!!
It gets better! Roman walked around the corner in the same garb. Amazing!! I did not have my was out in the car while I was putting on a large dress that needed to be a little larger to fit me....but I made a quick dash out to fetch it. It was on the way out that the zombies came out of the woodwork....Trail Zombies, that is.Roman was looking super-cool as a zombie runner.
Nope, this is not me. It's another impostor! Whereas Sandra had the quirky props, Tom had the look. Maybe a little too much gray in the hair, Tom....but you were very handsome.
Jason has the look perfected. Maybe just a little heavy on the gray/white stuff, but he has the physique down, and even the slight head tilted to one side. I have that copyrighted, ya know. This is just too weird!!!
Susan Alexander does a great impersonation. I especially like the skulls on the do-rag.
Bobby, always thinking "outside the box", decided to come dressed as my car. Notice the front of my Prius on his shirt. The back of his shirt has (you guessed it) the back of my car, as well as my MARATHON HO sticker on it. Funny stuff, Bobby!!
Caroline wears my favorite race shirt, the shirt from the 1st Six Hour Long Snake Run. It's a cotton T, and is a little hot to wear on most runs, but I love the design.
More impostors.I LOVE IT!!! How did you all pull this off??
Susan looks so much like me she could BE ME!! (Susan, the shovel I used to kill that copperhead had a much longer handle!)
Meanwhile, on the other side of the world in Egypt of all places, an outbreak of "TrailZombie fever" cropped up.Nothing short of terrifying!
All together, there were 14 people dressed up as me, and I looked NOTHING like me!!! Lisa really looked the part. Teresa also could have passed for me even in a brightly lit room. I thought I had Brian take a pic of all the TZs in front of the store, but it was not on my camera. I'll post it if he sends me a copy of what he took. Favorites? It's hard to say. Tom was mistaken for me. Sandra had all the props. Jason had the mannerisms. Gosh, I loved em all.
Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, or so I was told. I am blessed to have such awesome friends!!